5 Essential Cleaning Products For Workplace Cleanliness

We all want our homes to be clean and safe, it is important that the workplace is kept clean as well. Cleanliness of the workplace can have a significant impact on the health of the workforce, so it is essential that the working environment is kept clean and that means making sure that you have the correct cleaning products to make a proper job of it.

With this in mind, we have compiled a list of 5 essential cleaning products to ensure a cleaner workplace.


1. Floor Cleaning Equipment

Having the right floor cleaning equipment available is essential for the cleanliness of any workplace. Evaluate your workplace needs and decide if you need industrial cleaning, scrubbing and sweeping equipment, or if a simple mop or broom will do the job.

A workplace will also need a quality commercial vacuum with a proper filtration system to effectively remove and contain dust and soil from carpets, floors, ceilings and walls.

2. Disinfectants

High contact and high touch areas should be cleaned and disinfected very often, ideally after each use to ultimately stop the spread of germs spreading across the workplace. Frequently used areas include light switches, keyboards, phones, door handles, countertops, desks and stairwell handrails.

You should only use disinfection products that meet the BS EN standards – BS EN 1276 or BS EN 13697, such as the Clinell Universal Disinfectant Spray. It is also important to note that disinfectants should only be used on a visibly clean surface as they will not work effectively if the surface is covered in grease or visible dirt.

3. Hand Soaps

Keeping your hands clean is one of the best ways to ensure workplace cleanliness and prevent employees from getting sick and spreading germs to other members of the team.

This means everyone in the workplace should regularly wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, for example after using the toilet or handling food. It can also mean using an alcohol-based hand sanitiser with at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not readily available.

4. Microfibre Cloths

Microfibre cloths are an essential cleaning product and can help sanitise surfaces without the use of harsh chemicals. The tiny hook-shaped fibres on a microfiber cloth are 1/16 the thickness of a human hair, meaning they are extra effective at picking up germs. Traditional disinfectants can kill most germs but do not remove them. Microfiber cloths, however, cannot kill germs, but the fibres can remove them from different surfaces.

Microfibre cloths should be readily available in all workplaces and can be used to dust surfaces, remove fingerprints from monitors, and sanitise touch points like a keyboard and mouse!

5. Bins

One of the simplest ways to control odours and contain waste is ensuring the workplace has enough correctly sized bins that are changed regularly. Often, bins are incorrectly sized for the area – too large, and the bin may not get changed as needed, causing odours and bacteria to harbour. Too small, and the rubbish may overfill prematurely. Best practice is to separate your waste into recycling, waste and food waste. Check with your local council if you are unsure how you are separating your waste.